In a single word, God has told us what the Bible is about: RELATIONSHIP. The Bible tells the story of a lost relationship and God's plan to restore it.

Born Dead, the second volume in the anointed series, BIBLE THREADS: Keys to Understanding the Bible, clarifies this picture by presenting the nature of humankind, the person of God, what created the problem between them and what God is doing to resolve it.

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Born Dead presents a simple concept rooted in the reality of the nature of humankind in contrast with the person of God that created the problem between them.

Born Dead

Do you want or desire an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ but you are not sure how to get there? I have a suggestion for you! Why not begin at the beginning—who you are and who He is according to the Scriptures? Because, relationship is all about getting to Know the other person as you learn more about yourself. Jesus Christ has given us the Bible so we can learn of Him and ourselves.

When I asked Him, God said the Bible is about relationship, and, relationship is the most important thing to you. I would add that the Bible is about a lost relationship and how to get it back.

In this second volume—Born Dead: Genesis 2:16-17—from the anointed series, BIBLE THREADS: Keys to Understanding the Bible, we present a simple concept rooted in the reality of the nature of humankind in contrast with the person of God that created the problem between them.

Additionally, the Bible contains

a. God’s invitation for you to get to know Him.

b. God's invitation for you to develop a close relationship with Jesus Christ, His Son.

In the beginning, because Adam chose to disobey God’s first and only commandment, humankind ended up totally separated from and devoid of all knowledge of God, our Creator.

For example, we love to say we are created in the image of God. However, there is a problem with that thought process. The Bible says our heart, values and actions are just like those of the devil, the deceiver, who deceives the whole world. How do we resolve this disconnect?

We don’t, God does. He has already given us the Bible. And He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins, to prepare us for what comes next. In the final analysis, God is going to transform His chosen people (believers) into the image and likeness of His beloved Son. Who is the exact image of God. And He will sentence the rest of humankind to the lake of fire that burns day and night for all eternity.

In a nutshell, Born Dead presents the overarching thread that runs throughout the Bible, from Genesis to Revelation. Without it, one cannot truly understand and appreciate the story and message of the Bible. From its vantage point, Born Dead presents a perspective of the plot, the characters, the setting and the context for the entire Bible as well as a context for humankind today.

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It is God’s desire to give you the ability to read, study and truly understand His Word yourself.


How many persons are there who are having trouble reading the Bible with true understanding?


BIBLE THREADS: God has wrapped the narratives and stories around overarching themes or threads.

The Bible For Beginners And The Rest of Us

Expanded Version

Are you trying to read the Bible but you don’t get much from it? You know the Bible should make sense to you. But your question is, “Why am I having so much difficulty?” Or, you are an experienced student of the Bible. But you know there is much more for you to learn to make you comfortable.

The Bible For Beginners And The Rest of Us is designed to tell you what you need to know and do to truly understand the Bible? Over the past twenty years, God has prepared the author — Arlington McRae — and anointed him saying, “Feed My Sheep”. Under this anointing, with meticulous skill and care, he has written the first of five guidebooks that demonstrate how you can read and truly understand the Bible — God’s revelation of Himself to the world, and in particular, His revelation of Himself to you.

It is God’s desire to give you the ability to read, study and truly understand His Word for yourself. This book is written to help you do just that.

In this book you will

-Learn the major Bible divisions and how they relate one to another

-Gain an overall picture of the Bible, its story and message

-Learn how a god-given perspective and context truly matter

-Understand Bible threads (themes) that link the books and stories together

-Be encouraged to seek your own personal relationship with Jesus Christ

While this book is brief and to the point, it conveniently connects you to additional online resources providing much more detail to greatly enhance your biblical knowledge.

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