Book 3

A Hostile Environment: A World of Lies, Conflict and Deception—presents an enlightened picture of the hostility (the enmity) in the world between the "seed" of the serpent and the "seed" of the woman by exploring its cause and the resulting turmoil and violence from Genesis through Revelation and to include even the present day.

Its purpose is to provide insight into and application of the truth of God’s Word to the daily lives of humankind in the Bible and in this present time.

The Bible explains the Bible. The Bible also explains the world and its people. The Bible explains life and life events. Such as, Why is there so much evil in the world? Why do we die?

Spirit warfare is real and the Bible reveals that it is also a constant.

Available most lightly in late 2025 or 2026. Stay tuned.

The Author

In the mid 1990's, God spoke audibly to me and instructed me saying, "Feed My sheep". After a couple of weeks of pondering what God had spoken, I accepted His appointment to ministry. I began to enhance my biblical knowledge by taking courses offered by my church. Upon completion of those courses, I enrolled in a Bible college and completed seventeen credit hours. God again spoke audibly to me and instructed me to go to a specific seminary and get a master's degree, which I completed in December 2006.


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